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Gordon McAlpin (portfolio site)

About Me

I grew up in Peoria, Illinois, and studied writing, drawing and graphic design at Bradley University before moving to Chicago to work as a graphic designer about four years ago. But you can read more about that stuff at, which highlights my graphic design and illustration work. That's not what this site is for.

This website was created as a home for Stripped Books, an irregular webcomic written and drawn by myself (with some help from my friends, on occasion). Formerly a popular feature at Bookslut, a irregularly updated non-fiction strip covering book- and comics-related events in comics form.

Artists interested in illustrating future installments of Stripped Books are welcome to contact me with a URL of sample comics pages. A fairly decent ability to capture likenesses is a must (by “fairly decent,” I mean about as good as my own or better, of course).

If you enjoy Stripped Books, you may also enjoy Multiplex, my weekly, digitally-illustrated webcomic about the staff of the (fictional) Multiplex 10 Cinemas. Check it out!

Thanks for visiting… and enjoy!
Gordon McAlpin